artemis site information
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justin's homesite
/ siteinfo/index.html

Curiousity brought knowledge to me and if you have a thousand and one questions or even one about this website, you are in the right place.

If you need a general overview/map of the website, the navigation bar and sitemap will help you get around.

The support section contains information on which browsers are best for viewing the website and other compatibility issues as well as software and specifications used to make/design the site.

Since the question and answer format works the best, see the below FAQ for the content, history, and construction details of the website.

Frequently Asked Questions

(that I ask myself or would ask if this was not my site)

Who are you and what do you do?
What is this site about and what or who is Artemis?
Why is Artemis the name of the website?
Why did you make this website?
What is the website useful for, what is around here?
How did you make this website and/or design it?
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Website Construction History

Who are you and what do you do?
I kindly motion you to review the "
all about justin" section that gives you all I would like to share with people on the internet. As for doing, I work in the Information Technology industry with experience in software engineering, system administration, and security.

What is this site about and what or who is Artemis?
Simply put, this site is my (justin's) personal website and the name of the website is Artemis. The "artemis v.x" in the upper right corner just stands as a namesake for the website and v.x is the version number just to track significant changes to the website (similar to a program). The image of the statue in the upper left corner is of
Artemis the ancient Greek goddess.

Why is Artemis the name of the website?
This question harder to answer than the other ones. If you are familiar with Greek mythology you will know Artemis (not to be confused with the slightly different Roman goddess Diana) was a protectress of children, lover of nature and the hunt, and most importantly a free and independent goddess.

I choose her name to name the site since my homepage is initially started as a free-spirited, independent attempt to place my favourites onto a webpage I could use to explore the natural environment of the internet. Also, I admit I like many things of nature and this site is somewhat decidicated to looking for information on the net and looking for information is similar to hunting. Since Artemis was a hunter and lover of nature, for these reasons and the fact that I like the name and the personality of the goddess in the Greek myths made me choose Artemis.

Why did you make this website?
The idea of a homepage really started in the summer of 2000 when I first worked on a computer at work that was not my own. I was faced with the problem of exporting my internet bookmarks to that computer and at the time I was not that computer savy and worked on a Linux system, while my computer at home was a Windows PC.

I decided it would be great if I could see my favourites on any computer that I used and decided this idea would be a good excuse to make a personal webpage. At the time, my exposure to HTML was small aside from a school project to make a fictional website. Nevertheless, I persevered and as you can see have come a long way and that should encourage anyone that making a simple website is not too difficult.

What is the website useful for, what is around here?
The webpage is useful since it contains:

  1. A demonstration of various web technologies used to make a simple personal web space. See the support page for more details.
  2. A portal to the internet that is comprised of many of the favourites I have bookmarked throughout the year.
  3. Academic essays, research, and project resources from work I have done in the past.
  4. Infinite space (ok... well relatively infinite) for expansion and distribution of information, because that is what the internet is almost all about - communication of information.
  5. My own information for record keeping that may be of varying degrees of use for other internet users.

If you like computers or any topics in the web gateway, you will find the links useful. You can see an overview of the categories of links via the sitemap page.

The content in the website is largely useful for my own records as well as paving the way for future information that I would like to publish on the web. So far my resources (e.g. articles) should be helpful to some people and maybe you might just learn something while browsing through the site. I know I have learned much just looking through other people's websites.

How did you make this website and/or design it?
I am not an very creative person (and some might think not even mildly creative) but I am good at research and learning and therefore I took a fair amount of time analyzing the
World Wide Web Consortium's specifications for data and online presentation and looking at other people's webpages on the net from professional, corporate, community, to personal webpages. Even when I am not actively looking for a design, I always note down pages that I thought were particularly interesting. One of the best ways to learn and sometimes do HTML is to look at the source of other people's webpages.

My structural design therefore closely resembles other people's personal websites with my personal touch being felt in simplicity, actual content, and in minor text and structuring styles. My very first website was made in notepad and I later constructed a 20 page personal website through Frontpage which is excellent for home users who want speed and a decent looking website. Due to my computer science background, for this third overhaul (artemis), I made some choices involving hand coding in XML (eXtensible Markup Language). For more details, see the site support page.

Website Construction History
(chronological history from most recent to old)

July 1, 2021 Site hosted on
GitHub and GitHub pages as an archive of the 2004 version with minor content updates.

August 27, 2004 Biography changed for information reasons. Fixed links, updated resume, and reviewed stylesheets for errors. Minimized links around link pages to reduce clutter.

November 3, 2003 Made changes to old CS 501 project website to update links and page layout.
October 16, 2003 Construction of artemis v.1 complete and website published to
October 2, 2003 Began offline construction/design of ARTEMIS website.

ARTEMIS v.1 Started
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October 16, 2003 ZEUS taken offline.
September 27, 2003 Last update to ZEUS
August 26, 2003 Added Linux commands page to resources area.
July 6th, 2003 More links added plus large update of resume.
May-July 2003 Graduated from Cornell! Started cleaning of old/non-functional links, still working on re-modeling and finishing incomplete sections.
Feb. 2, 2003 Updated the pictures of me on the website and added additional links.
March 6th, 2002 Major reworking on research resources.
June 7th, 2001 Split links into 2 pages and added more links.
April 24th, 2001 Added many new essays to academic resources (some awaiting) and changed link page.
April 20th, 2001 Minor re-modeling of website navigation and pictures.
April 4th, 2001 Added news page.
April 1st, 2001 Published website officially at
March 24th, 2001 Offline website construction of ZEUS website began.

ZEUS (Cornell website) Started
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August 18th, 2000 Stopped work on first website with favourites.
July 15, 2000 Began construction of my very first website LETO, devoted to placing my favourites on a fancy page.

LETO (First website) Started
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ARTEMIS | siteinfo/index.html by justin tung generated using Apache Software Foundation's Xalan-J version 2.7.2

artemis on tower