artemis compatibility and construction information
for alternative compatibility, try the XML version
if you have problems consult the support page
justin's homesite
/ siteinfo/support.html


The website was originally tested and designed for the Windows native browser Internet Explorer 6.0.x, Opera 7.11 browser, and Mozilla 1.7.1.. It has been enhanced to work with Chrome, Microsoft Edge, Opera, and Firefox.

Regarding portability (transfer of information to other systems and browsers), my hope is that partial to complete compliance with certain web standards will allow users with browsers compliant with the standards listed below to view the information fine. I admit though that I have not standardized everything (e.g. my resume, resource documents, linking) nor done "rigorous" testing on looks. I have not been analytical down to the fine points mainly because this website is a pleasure activity as much as it is for learning and demonstration. So there is probably errors and non-compliance to some of the standards.

How this website was created

This site (artemis v.1) is my first attempt using web technologies like:

Though it is my second time using XHTML, I never used it to this large a scale. The main advantages of choosing these languages and data representations would be for long term maintenence of the page, portability, resource access, and being one of many examples of how a website can be made using these technologies. The disadvantages being the time taken to set up all the conversion processes and standardizing data.

These pages were designed and tested for use with transformations from XML core data using Microsoft's MSXML version 3. MSXML is Internet Explorer's own XSLT processor within the browser which generates HTML. The default HTML for the site is generated via Java using Apache's Xalan-J XSLT processor and Apache's Xerces XML processor from exactly the same XML source and same XSLT stylesheet.

If you have any questions or input regarding the technical or design aspects of the website, please do contact me as I love hearing feedback on ways to improve the site overall.

Links related to Support Information

Here are a set of links I used frequently when creating this website either for design, coding, structuring, or consultation purposes and ideas:

Design and Structure

I used these sites to examine their design and content.

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These sites were highly useful in helping me develop my ideas on how to make the actual RDF/XML data, HTML producing XSLT transformtion and how to convert dreams into reality in a good fashion.

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Recommendations and Specifications

For those interested in XML, RDF, XSLT, and XHTML and standardization, these are the recommendations I used or consulted. The Dublin Core links are a schema used to structure RDF data.

ARTEMIS | siteinfo/support.html by justin tung generated using Apache Software Foundation's Xalan-J version 2.7.2

artemis on tower